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Job Search Assistant

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Hey there job seeker! 

Keeping track of all your job applications can be overwhelming, right? I totally get it. Here are some common struggles you might face:

  • Forgetting which companies you've applied to
  • Missing interviews because you forgot the dates
  • Not having a record of your professional network
  • Falling behind on updating your skills

But fear not! Introducing the Job Search Assistant template, designed to make your job search a breeze. Here's how it can help you:

Quick Buttons: Easily add new applications, interviews, skills, contacts, and resources with just a click.

Applications Tracker: Keep track of company names, locations, roles, interest levels, salary ranges, job sources, timelines, and more. Organized by status and interest level for easy management.

Interviews Calendar: Stay on top of upcoming interviews with a monthly and weekly view. Set reminders so you never miss an opportunity.

Professional Network: Manage your contacts and expand your network by attending events, connecting on LinkedIn, and joining professional groups.

Skills: Track your skill development, update regularly, and set goals for growth.

Resources: Store important documents, web links, courses, and books to enhance your career development.

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