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Notion Smarter Decision Making (10-10-10 Rule)

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Title: Notion Smarter Decision Making (10-10-10 Rule)

Have you ever wondered why we sometimes make decisions we later regret? And how can we make better choices moving forward?

Making Better Decisions with the 10–10–10 Rule

Deciding between what may seem like a good choice now versus what will benefit us in the long run can be challenging. But fear not, making better decisions doesn't have to be complicated. The key is to consider the long-term consequences rather than being swayed by short-term emotions. One helpful tool to aid in this process is the 10-10-10 rule.

The 10-10-10 rule is versatile and can be applied to any decision you may encounter, whether it's something minor or major, personal or professional, or a decision you make daily or once in a lifetime. By contemplating potential outcomes and considering various perspectives, you can make a well-informed choice.

Next time you're faced with a tough decision, break it down into three parts and ask yourself how you'll feel about it ten minutes, ten months, and ten years down the line.

In our everyday lives, we make countless decisions - what to wear, what to eat, whether to hit the gym, and more.