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PARA Method Template

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Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and disorganized? Say goodbye to chaos and hello to clarity with our Notion template inspired by Tiago Forte's PARA Method.

To get started, simply categorize your life into four databases: Tasks, Projects, Areas, and Resources. Easily move pages to the Archive view by checking the box in each database.

Begin by defining the key areas of your life in the Areas database. Then, manage projects related to each area in the Projects database to enhance your skills and accomplishments.

Break down your projects into actionable steps and list them in the Tasks database for efficient task management. Capture and organize valuable resources in the Resources database, linking them to related projects for easy access.

When things become outdated or less relevant, simply use the archive checkbox to move items to the Archive view.

Don't let chaos control your life any longer. Try our Notion template based on the PARA Method and start organizing your life today!

Template Name: PARA Method Template